University Of Toronto Canada Scholarships 2024-2025 | [Fully Funded Scholarships]


University Of Toronto Canada Scholarships 2024-2025 | Fully Funded Scholarships | Study in Canada

The University of Toronto is proud to offer a variety of admission scholarships for both international and domestic students. These awards are available to all qualified individuals, no matter their background or financial circumstances.

With over 5,700 admission awards across the university, there is something for everyone! From entrance scholarships that recognize academic excellence or achievements in extracurricular activities to awards based on leadership skills, creativity, and research initiatives.

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These scholarships provide valuable opportunities for students who may face financial hardships while pursuing their academic goals.

Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship Program 2025-2026 is a fully funded scholarship for international students. Total 37 scholarships are available for undergraduate studies. This scholarship will cover tuition, books, incidental fees, and full residence support for four years.

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Furthermore, the University of Toronto has always been an institution that values diversity and strives to create an equitable campus experience. It takes pride in supporting those who wish to unlock their potential and take advantage of the fantastic learning environment it offers.

Almost all academic fields and majors are available for multiple scholarships to pursue a bachelor’s or master’s degree program from University. The U of T Scholarship is considered the Best Scholarship ever.

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The University of Toronto offers admission scholarships based on merit and/ or financial need. More than 4,400 admission scholarships are offered by the University of Toronto, along with its faculties, campuses, and colleges, every year.

All academic subjects of study for Bachelor, Master’s, and Doctoral Programs are available at the university. When students apply to the University, they are immediately considered for a range of entrance scholarships, including overseas applicants. 

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Citizens from other countries as well as Canadians are eligible to apply. Nationality holders from all around the world are eligible. The university awarded approximately 5,000 admission grants worth almost $23 million.

In Canada, you may move, plan, and study. Your meal, lodging, full tuition, additional charge, stipend, and health will all be covered by the scholarship. Details about the University of Toronto Scholarships in Canada 2024-25 may be found below.

  • Scholarship Country: Canada
  • University: Toronto University
  • Degree Level: Undergraduate, Graduate
  • Financial Coverage: Funded

The U of T international scholarships in Canada cover:

  • Full tuition fees for four years will be covered.
  • Book allowance will be given.
  • Incidental costs will be fully covered.
  • Accommodation is fully covered by the host organization.
  • Demonstration of a certain level of originality of thoughts and creativity in high school and community.
  • Academically outstanding and active participation in extracurricular activities.
  • Demonstration of leadership skills

To be eligible to apply to the Pearson International Scholarship, you must be:

  • An international student (i.e. a non-Canadian requiring a study permit).
  • Currently in your final year of secondary school or have graduated no earlier than June 2024.
  • Beginning your studies at the University of Toronto in September 2024 (students already attending post-secondary studies cannot be considered.
  • Students starting their studies in January 2024 at another post-secondary institution cannot be considered).
  • Physical & Mathematical Sciences
  • Commerce & Management
  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences
  • Life Sciences
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering
  • Kinesiology & Physical Education
  • Music
  • Architecture

How to Apply:

  • There is no separate application required for these scholarships.
  • Students are considered automatically for scholarships upon admission at the University of Toronto.
  • Students must be registered full-time for the fall and winter sessions to qualify for scholarship payment.

To apply for a scholarship at the University of Toronto, you will need to complete the appropriate application and provide any required supporting documentation.

Here is a general overview of the steps you will need to follow to apply for a scholarship at the University of Toronto:

  • Determine your eligibility: Before you begin the application process, it is important to make sure you meet the eligibility requirements for the scholarship you are interested in.
  • Some scholarships may have specific requirements, such as a minimum GPA or program of study that you must meet to apply.
  • Depending on the scholarship you are applying for, you may need to provide various types of documentation as part of your application.
  • This may include transcripts, letters of recommendation, and personal statements.
  • Once you have gathered all of the required documents, you will need to complete the appropriate application form.
  • This may be done online or by submitting a paper application.
  • After you have completed the application form, you will need to submit it along with any required supporting documentation.
  • It is important to follow any specific instructions provided by the scholarship committee, such as applying by a certain deadline.
  • If you have any questions about the scholarship application process at the University of Toronto, you should contact the university’s financial aid office for assistance.
  • They will be able to provide more information and guidance on how to apply for a scholarship at the University of Toronto.

You will need to complete the appropriate application form

University of Toronto Admission Scholarships 2024-25

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